How To Set Up Parental Restrictions on Instagram

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Brad Bartlett


Instagram parental controls

Since its introduction in 2010, Instagram has become one of the most popular social networking platforms, especially among teenagers. According to recent studies, nearly 75% of U.S. teens say they use Instagram – which is more than any other social media site except for YouTube and Snapchat.

Not only does Instagram offer users a fun way to share photos and videos with friends, but it also has a number of features that make it an attractive platform for businesses and marketers. The photo and video-friendly nature of the Instagram application have helped the app skyrocket in popularity.

However, not all is perfect in the land of Instagram. The app also has a darker side, which has been exploited by bullies, cyberstalkers, and other unsavory characters.

This is why it’s important for parents to take steps to protect their children from the dangers that exist on Instagram. With the right knowledge and insights, parents can ensure their children have a safe and positive experience on the platform.

What is Instagram for Teens? A Primer for Parents

Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos. The app, which Facebook owns, has more than one billion active users.

Instagram offers several media sharing options, including the ability to share photos and videos from your camera roll as well as live video. The app also has a number of editing features that allow you to edit your photos and videos before sharing them with your followers.

In addition to sharing photos and videos, Instagram users can also follow other users, like and comment on posts, send direct messages, and create and view Stories.

Instagram Stories and Reels offer users a way to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. The app also has a number of filters and editing features that can be used to create unique content.

Why Parents Need to Monitor Their Teen’s Instagram Activity

The various features and functions of Instagram can be a lot for parents to keep track of. However, it’s important for parents to monitor their teen’s activity on the app for a number of reasons.

1. Instagram has been shown to increase anxiety and depression in teens.

A number of studies have found that Instagram can increase anxiety and depression in teenagers. The studies found that the more time teens spend on the platform, the greater their risk of developing mental health issues.

The reasons for this may vary – from the pressure to have perfect photos and videos to the fear of missing out on what everyone else is doing. Whatever the reason, it’s important for parents to be aware of the potential risks associated with Instagram use.

2. Teens are at risk of being cyberbullied on Instagram.

Cyberbullying is a serious problem that can profoundly impact a teenager’s mental health. According to a study by Pew Research, nearly 1 in 3 teens have been cyberbullied.

Instagram is one of the most popular platforms for cyberbullying due to its anonymous nature and the ease with which users can share mean and hurtful comments.

3. Teens can be exposed to inappropriate content on Instagram.

While there are some positive aspects of Instagram, the platform also has a number of negatives. For example, the app’s “Explore” tab allows users to see photos and videos from people they don’t follow. These posts are often shown based on algorithms that track the user’s activity.

This means that teens can be exposed to inappropriate content, even if they’re not actively seeking it out.

4. Teens can be groomed by predators on Instagram.

Instagram is a popular platform for predators due to the anonymous nature of the app and the fact that users can share photos and videos with each other.

Predators can use Instagram to groom teens by sending them direct messages, commenting on their posts, and trying to engage them in conversations. These harmful messages can begin as offers to “sponsor” a teen’s account or as seemingly innocent compliments.

5. Teens can develop an addiction to Instagram.

Like any social media platform, Instagram can be addictive. Teens who spend a lot of time on the app may start to neglect their studies, hobbies, and social life.

They may also become fixated on the number of likes and comments they receive on their posts. This can lead to a constant need for validation and an unhealthy preoccupation with Instagram.

How to Set Up Parental Restrictions on Instagram

In recent years – and due to pushback by both families as well as advocacy groups – Instagram’s parent company Meta has begun to update parental controls within the platform.

Not only has the company updated parental controls, but they have also introduced new Teens accounts to help give parents more control over what their children do and see online.

Here’s what you need to know about the latest updates and how you can begin to implement them for your children on Instagram:

1. Set Up Instagram Supervision Tools in Family Center

Instagram’s Family Center now offers comprehensive supervision tools that allow parents to monitor and manage their teen’s Instagram activity:

  1. Have your teen initiate the process by sending a supervision invitation:
    • Tap their profile picture in the bottom right
    • Tap “Settings”
    • Select “Supervision”
    • Tap “Set up supervision”
    • Send the link to the parent who will be in charge of monitoring the account

Once connected, parents can:

  • Monitor how much time their teen spends on Instagram
  • Set daily time limits for app usage
  • Receive notifications if their teen reports another account
  • View accounts their teen follows and those that follow them
  • See who their teen has messaged in the past 7 days (without reading the actual messages)
  • Approve changes to privacy settings (for users under 16)

Note that supervision tools automatically turn off when teens turn 18.

2. Utilize Instagram Teen Accounts

In 2025, Instagram launched “Teen Accounts” – Instagram accounts that are uniquely designed for users aged 13-17. These accounts, by default, automatically apply stricter privacy settings. Here’s what you need to know about these new Teen Account types:

  • Private accounts by default (users under 16 need parental approval to switch to public)
  • Limited messaging (teens can only message followers or previous connections)
  • Restricted sensitive content (stricter filters applied automatically)
  • Interaction controls (only followers can tag or mention teens)
  • Sleep mode (notifications are muted between 10 PM and 7 AM)

These accounts will be automatically applied to all teen users, creating a safer default experience without requiring parental setup. But as with all types of accounts online, it’s important to note that teens can still find ways to circumvent these measures.

As parents and guardians, you’ll still want to regularly check in with your teens about their online activity and set clear guidelines and boundaries.

3. Make Your Child’s Account Private

Instagram Teen Accounts are designed to help keep young adults safe within a smaller content pool online. However, these new accounts are still being implemented and may not have full success in stopping unwanted interactions and content.

Until these accounts are fully implemented, you’ll want to make sure your child’s account is set to private. Here’s how you can set up an account to be private by default:

  1. Go to “Settings” menu
  2. Select “Account Privacy”
  3. Toggle “Private Account” to “On”

This ensures only approved followers can see your child’s content.

4. Manage Comments and Interactions

In the most recent updates to security and safety, Instagram now offers several ways to filter or prevent unwanted interactions. This can include restricting comments, blocking specific accounts, or even limiting who can send direct messages to your child.

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Privacy” > “Comments”
  2. Toggle “Filter Comments” to “On”
  3. Add specific words to filter in the “Manual Filter” section
  4. For individual posts, tap the “Options” menu (three dots) and select “Turn Off Comments”

5. Set Up Content Restrictions

To limit exposure to sensitive content, Instagram has built in content restriction options that help filter out content that may not be suitable for younger audiences. Here’s how you can set up content restrictions that reduce the risk for kids on Instagram:

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Privacy” > “Hidden words”
  2. Toggle on “Hide Comments” and “Advanced comment filtering”
  3. Enable “Hide Message Requests” to filter potentially offensive messages
  4. Add custom words or phrases you want to filter under “Manage custom words and phrases”

It’s essential to note that no content restriction is perfect. Many types of content – such as memes and slang terms – may not be caught by filters. However, this additional layer of protection can help reduce the chances of inappropriate content being displayed on your child’s Instagram account.

Tips for Helping Teens Stay Safe on Instagram

Beyond technical controls, these strategies can help maintain a positive Instagram experience for your teen:

1. Establish Open Communication

No social media parental controls are perfect. In fact, some teens may find ways to bypass or disable them altogether. That’s why having open and ongoing communication with your teen about their social media usage.

Encourage them to come to you if they see anything that makes them uncomfortable or if they encounter any issues on the platform. This will help ensure that your child feels comfortable talking to you about their online experiences and can trust you to support them.

  • Ask about accounts they follow and enjoy
  • Discuss concerning interactions without judgment
  • Make yourself approachable for questions
  • Show genuine interest in their online world

2. Teach Critical Digital Literacy

One of the greatest gifts you can give a child is the ability ot critically analyze information they come across online. Help them understand that not everything on social media is true or accurate, and teach them to fact-check and evaluate sources.

For example, if they see a shocking headline or meme, ask them to research the source and verify its validity. In a world of rage-baiting and fake news, critical digital literacy is a key skill for navigating any type of media.

3. Set Clear Boundaries Around Usage

Establish healthy habits from the beginning. Boundaries help prevent Instagram from dominating your teen’s time and attention. We’ve written many guides on how you can create tech-life balance in your family – check out our latest guides online here!

4. Guide Safe Content Sharing Practices

What gets posted online can have lasting impacts. Help your teen develop thoughtful sharing habits. A great way to manage this line is by asking questions of your child as they engage with social media:

  • “Would you be comfortable with this post in 5 years?”
  • “Would you show this to a grandparent?”
  • “Could this affect future opportunities?”
  • “Does this reveal personal information?”

5. Monitor for Signs of Negative Impact

Stay alert for warning signs that Instagram might be affecting your teen negatively. Taking steps early on to help your child can prevent more serious issues. What do some of these signs look like?

  • Mood changes after using the app
  • Obsession with metrics (likes, followers)
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Withdrawal from in-person activities

Every child is different, so you’ll need to find the right balance and approach for your teen. Encourage open communication and establish boundaries together, but also take steps to respect their autonomy and privacy.

6. Use Close Friends Settings

Encourage selective sharing through Instagram’s Close Friends feature. This tool helps teens control their audience more carefully – and can potentially lead to safer and more meaningful interactions.

Here’s how you can set up the Close Friends settings:

  • Go to profile and tap the three lines
  • Select “Close Friends”
  • Add only truly trusted contacts
  • Use this option when posting more personal content

You’ll want to check in with your child and discuss the importance of choosing trusted contacts carefully and using this feature responsibly.

7. Explore Interest-Based Content Together

Help your teen curate a positive, enriching feed. The content they consume shapes their experience and outlook. The more you can take a role in curating it, the more you can help them create a healthy relationship with social media.

What does this type of content consumption look like? You can connect with:

  • Accounts related to hobbies and interests
  • Educational content creators
  • Positive role models in their areas of interest
  • Mental health and wellness accounts

The more you can mirror healthy content consumption, the more your teen will learn to do the same. Encourage them to explore different interests and follow accounts that align with their values and aspirations.

Navigate the Web in Safety with Kidslox

Instagram is an excellent way for teens to stay connected with friends and family. However, it’s important that parents understand the dangers of the platform and take steps to protect their children.

If you are searching for ways to keep your children and other family members safe online, look no further than Kidslox. Our parental control software can help you monitor and manage your family’s online activity, set up restrictions on devices and apps, and more.

With Kidslox, you can have peace of mind knowing that your family is safely navigating the web. One account covers all devices in your household – giving you peace of mind that everyone is safe while they’re online.

Try Kidslox today and see how easy it is to keep your family safe online.