New Social Media: Threads & the Potential Pitfalls for Teens

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Brad Bartlett


New social media

Teenagers have long been the trendsetters and early adopters of many cultural phenomena, not least of which is social media.

Whether they’re swapping stories, sharing the latest memes, or posting photos from their day-to-day lives, young people thrive on the connection and creativity that social media platforms offer. The thrill of discovery and desire to be on the cutting-edge of the “next big thing” online is a powerful motivator.

Yet, as the digital landscape evolves, new social media platforms consistently pop up, vying for their attention and screen time – and a few nefarious apps have managed to slip through the cracks, using their newfound popularity among teens to exploit them and their data for advertising dollars.

There’s a certain magnetism the newest social media apps hold for teens. Each new platform is like an unexplored frontier, a fresh canvas on which they can express themselves and shape their identities. On these platforms, they can be pioneers – getting the chance to establish norms and trends before they hit the mainstream.

We’ve seen similar scenes unfold with platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok. Each burst onto the scene, captivating young audiences with unique features and user experiences.

Today, the buzz is all about Threads – the newest release from Facebook’s parent company Meta. Like its predecessors, it’s a trending social media platform offering its own distinctive appeal to the always-on, digital-first teen crowd.

However, as exhilarating as it may be to dive head-first into these new digital domains, there are also potential pitfalls accompanying “early adopter” status. It’s essential for parents, teachers, and mentors to understand why these new platforms attract teens and to be aware of the potential risks involved.

In doing so, they can better guide young people through their digital journeys, ensuring they reap the benefits of online connectivity while minimizing the drawbacks.

The Rise of Threads: Today’s Fastest-Growing Social Media Platform

In social media, innovation is the name of the game – and the latest player to make waves in the space is Threads.

Launched on July 6, 2023, by Meta (the company behind social giants Facebook and Instagram), Threads is a “Twitter-like” platform quickly skyrocketing in adoption across demographics.

A text-based social media platform, Threads draws its strength from its close ties with Instagram. Upon signing up, it immediately integrates with the users’ Instagram profiles, seamlessly transferring their followers and followings onto the new platform.

This effortless transition, coupled with an ever-flowing influx of new users, makes Threads a formidable contender in the social media race.

Threads has already seen explosive growth, with user numbers soaring into the tens of millions within the first week of its launch. The swift adoption of Threads is attributed mainly to its seamless interface, user-friendly design, and attempt to replace the chaotic present state of Twitter.

It taps into the appeal of its predecessors, offering features such as instant text updates, easy content sharing, and quick interactions teens find appealing.

At a glance, Threads looks like just another addition to the myriad of social media platforms already available. However, its rapid growth signifies more than just novel success. It exemplifies the ever-changing dynamics of the digital landscape and the relentless quest for new, engaging ways for users, particularly teens, to express themselves and connect with others.

As with any popular new social media app, Threads has its unique selling points, but it also shares some common challenges with online platforms, especially those targeting young users.

Let’s look at the potential pitfalls of being an early adopter of any social media platform – providing a valuable heads-up for those looking to guide teenagers through their digital journeys.

The Potential Risks of Being a Social Media “Early Adopter”

As enticing as the world of new social media apps can be, the digital landscape is not without its hazards.

These potential pitfalls are critical to consider, particularly for those guiding teens through their online adventures. While Threads is the latest addition to the social media landscape, the risks of being an “early adopter” are similar to its predecessors:

The Trust Factor Data Privacy

Privacy has become a top concern, with data touted as “the new oil.” This is especially true when teenagers enthusiastically embrace the newest social media platforms without carefully scrutinizing the details.

Meta has earned significant user trust through its established platforms, Facebook and Instagram, providing a seamless transition for Threads adoption. This continuity offers convenience with shared log-in credentials and a familiar user interface. However, it also raises important questions about user data and privacy.

Adding Threads to their suite gives Meta access to an even broader range of user information. This vast data network paints a detailed picture of users, influencing the content they see and potentially impacting their online security and privacy.

This is especially concerning given Meta’s history of privacy issues, which underlines the importance of vigilant data practices.

The Monopoly Concern

Adding another service to an extensive list locks users into Meta’s digital ecosystem. This growing monopoly limits competition and gives Meta significant control over users’ online experiences.

The risk of manipulation and bias is substantial from the content they see to the ads they’re served.

Community Culture and Moderation

Every platform develops its own unique community culture. As a new platform, Threads’ culture is still in its formative stage. This creates uncertainties about the platform’s moderation policies, including how it will handle issues like misinformation, harassment, and hate speech. How these policies evolve will significantly shape users’ experiences – and may even decide whether users will stay.

Age Verification and Legality

With teens often being the earliest adopters of new social media trends, questions about age verification come to the fore. Protecting minors from inappropriate content and ensuring they are legally using the service is challenging for all social media platforms, including Threads.

Novelty vs. Longevity

While the novelty of a new platform can be enticing, it’s also essential to consider its longevity. Will Threads be a passing fad, or does it have the potential to become a stable platform? The answer to this question will impact whether investing time and effort into the platform is worthwhile.


The spread of misinformation is another risk inherent in new social media trends. As seen with other platforms, viral posts can disseminate false information at a staggering pace.

Social media’s real-time format is designed to foster instant and vibrant conversations. While text-driven platforms have the advantage of creating dynamic, interactive discussions, it also comes with the downside of potentially facilitating the spread of unverified information or rumors.

Once it gains momentum, a piece of misleading information can disseminate rapidly within the network, reaching far-flung corners of the platform in no time.

The spread of misinformation can have far-reaching effects. It can influence public opinion, skew perspectives, or even incite harmful actions. The onslaught of misinformation can be particularly challenging for teens, who are often still developing critical thinking skills.

Mental Health Implications

Any conversation about social media must consider the mental health implications of its use.

The pervasive use of social media platforms, particularly among teenagers, has prompted widespread discussion about the potential effects on mental health. New social media apps like Threads can present various challenges that, if not properly managed, may negatively impact teens’ psychological well-being.

Pressure to Present a Perfect Life

One of the main concerns linked to social media use is the pressure it creates to portray an idealized version of one’s life.

Users are often prompted to share their thoughts, experiences, and personal moments on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and now, Threads. A desire to be part of the conversation can inadvertently foster a culture of comparison, where teens feel compelled to match or outdo the ‘perfect’ lives they perceive others to be living.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Another mental health concern associated with new social media apps is the Fear of Missing Out, popularly known as FOMO. FOMO manifests as the anxiety arising from seeing others’ experiences, events, or activities from which one feels excluded.

Given that many social media platforms thrive on real-time updates, the sensation of always needing to be “in the know” can be especially potent, leading to increased anxiety and inadequacy.

Social Media Addiction

The nature of new social media trends, with their constant updates and infinite scrolling features, can also contribute to developing addictive behaviors.

The desire for social validation, measured through likes, comments, shares, and retweets, can become an irresistible lure, leading teens to spend excessive amounts of time on these platforms.

When taken to an extreme, social media use can disrupt sleep patterns, resulting in fatigue and a decline in academic performance. Parents must know these risks when monitoring their teens’ online usage.

Cyber Image and Self-Esteem

The impact of social media on self-esteem and self-image is another area of concern. Teens are at a stage where they are still forming their self-identities, and the feedback they receive online can have a significant impact on their self-perception.

Negative comments or lack of ‘engagement’ with their posts can lead to feelings of rejection and low self-esteem.

Recognizing these potential mental health implications is crucial. As parents, educators, and mentors, we must provide a supportive environment for teens to discuss their social media experiences.

Equipping them with coping strategies and promoting healthy social media habits can help ensure their digital explorations are balanced and beneficial.

Navigating the Social Media Landscape: Guidance for Teens

As we journey through the twists and turns of the digital world, we must equip our teens with the skills and understanding they need to navigate new social media trends safely.

From fostering open dialogues about online safety to encouraging mindful usage, here are some strategies to help teens traverse the social media landscape wisely.

Promote Open Conversations

One of the best ways to guide teens in their online journey is by fostering a culture of open communication. Encourage teens to share their online experiences, including any issues or concerns.

Discuss the potential risks of new social media apps like Threads and explain why these dangers exist. Transparency can help them understand the consequences of their digital actions and make informed decisions.

Educate on Privacy and Data Protection

Understanding privacy settings on social media platforms is crucial for online safety. Encourage teens to review and adjust their privacy settings on all social media platforms they use.

Discuss the importance of not sharing personal information like location, contact details, and school information online. Teaching them to be cautious about what they share and with whom can go a long way in safeguarding their privacy.

You may opt to use a parental control tool to keep track of your teen’s digital activities, which helps enforce safe internet use.

Teach Responsible Sharing

A vital aspect of navigating the digital landscape is understanding the implications of sharing content online.

Encourage teens to think critically before they post or share something. A good rule of thumb is not to share anything they wouldn’t want their grandparents or a future employer to see. Help them learn the risks and consequences possible when they share something online.

Discuss the “Reality Behind the Screen”

Help teens understand how social media often presents a curated, idealized version of people’s lives. Awareness can help counter feelings of inadequacy and the pressure to live up to an unrealistic standard.

For instance, explain how many influencers pay stylists, photographers, and editors to create a seemingly perfect life.

Advise teens to be conscious of their digital footprint and the potential impact it can have. Remind them of the reality of “once shared, always stored somewhere” – the idea that even if they delete a post, it is unlikely the content has truly gone away.

Encourage Healthy Social Media Habits

Promote balance in social media use. Encourage hobbies and activities outside of the digital world. Setting device-free zones or times can help teens disconnect and reduce the risk of social media addiction. Even small boundaries can help to create balance and decrease social media-related stress.

Foster Media Literacy

In the era of misinformation, teaching teens how to differentiate between credible sources and fake news is crucial. Encourage them to cross-check information and think critically about what they read online.

Navigating the world of social media can be a daunting task for teens, especially with the introduction of the best new social media apps like Threads. However, with the right guidance and ongoing open discussions, teens can learn to use these platforms safely, responsibly, and positively.

Balancing Curiosity with Caution: The Road Ahead

As we explore the ever-evolving landscape of social media, it’s vital to strike a balance between embracing new digital frontiers and exercising caution.

New platforms like Threads offer a novel and exciting way for teens to express themselves, learn, connect, and grow. Yet, they also present potential risks we must carefully navigate.

The good news is that by equipping teens with the right tools—knowledge, critical thinking, and digital literacy—they can safely enjoy the perks of these trending social media platforms. They can be part of the exciting digital conversation while respecting their own boundaries and those of others.

Like any journey, there will be bumps along the way. Missteps may happen, but they can serve as valuable lessons. By cultivating open communication and trust, we can ensure these digital experiences contribute positively to our teens’ growth and development.

Get A Helping Hand with Kidslox

For those seeking additional support, third-party parental control tools like Kidslox can be immensely helpful. Kidslox allows parents to monitor their teens’ social media usage and manage screen time, helping to foster healthier digital habits.

Kidslox offers a host of digital wellness features, such as setting daily limits for device usage, scheduling screen-free times, blocking inappropriate content, and more. This can be particularly useful for managing the use of new social media apps like Threads.

Through a blend of open dialogue, education, mindful usage, and practical tools like Kidslox, we can guide our teens toward a safer and more enriching digital journey. After all, our ultimate goal is not to shield our teens from the digital world but to empower them to navigate it with wisdom, responsibility, and respect.

Learn more about Kidslox today, and discover more tips and insights into helping our children and teens become digital leaders of tomorrow – no matter what social media platforms appear!