Kidslox reviews: Todo Math Todo Math is a collection of simple maths games for preschoolers an... September 23, 2016
Kidslox Reviews: Inventioneers Puzzle games have always been a favourite genre of mine. Physics pu... September 7, 2016
Kidslox Reviews: Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame Breathe, Think, Do from Sesame Street comes with a big claim, that ... September 1, 2016
Kidslox reviews: Duolingo We’ve looked at a few educational games recently. Today’s recommend... August 12, 2016
Kidslox reviews: Dragonbox There are a lot of apps out there trying to “make learning fun” and... August 1, 2016
Kidslox reviews: Mekorama I’m a big fan of puzzle games. Whether it’s word puzzles, physics p... July 22, 2016